Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Entrepreneur Museum

Throughout our Marketplace study, the students were practicing being young entrepreneurs. We decided to spend some time researching and learning about famous entrepreneurs. Below are the entrepreneurs that our class chose to learn more about. 

Each student spent time researching and taking notes on their entrepreneur. We organized our notes and through discussion, we decided we wanted to share our learning in a few different ways. We all agreed that we wanted to share our learning in the form of an Entrepreneur Museum. We spent time writing first person biographies about our entrepreneurs, as well as creating portraits out of pencils, colored pencils, and oil pastels. We also decided to share our learning in the form of a multigenre project. We brainstormed different genres that we come in contact with each and every day. From there, each student chose a genre to create and share learning from their entrepreneur research. Students created magazine spreads, poems, dioramas, journal entries, and Keynote presentations. 

Once our projects were complete, we set up the Entrepreneur Museum and invited our peers to join us in Room 209 to check out our work!

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